Early Help
Our pastoral team alongside the DSL is trained to offer support and guidance to families to help them with their home lives. We believe this has a positive impact on the whole family, but especially the children. Our aim is to help children thrive and increase their life opportunities to be successful citizens, independent learners and confident individuals in their future.
These are some of the ways in which we can support you:
- Sit down and listen to your problems and give practical advice
- Signpost you to organisations and charities that you can contact directly confidentially for further help e.g. foodbanks, financial and benefit advice, job and CV support, mental health contacts.
- Give you support lines that are available for your needs e.g. Domestic violence support; counsellors and more.
- Refer you to parenting courses
- Provide school early help actions plans where we meet with you regularly and help you to apply and refer for the help that you need
- Provide you with a family aid worker that can visit your home on a regular basis for up to 12 weeks.
- Arrange a meeting with Bradford East’s Early Help Coordinator who can put you in touch with wider services
Please contact us if you would like a call to discuss how we can help you.