Vision and Values
Bowling Park exists to prepare and support your child for their future, in a happy, healthy and safe environment.
We want all our children to enjoy learning and to have the highest expectations of themselves.
Our school is about preparing children for their futures and life in modern Bradford, Britain and the wider world.
We work together with families to build children’s expectations, hopes and ambitions. We want to give all children, regardless of their background, faith, gender, ability or ethnicity, the opportunity to be successful learners, to develop leadership and communication skills, be rounded individuals and build character.
We encourage our children to become the best they can be by:
Encouraging children to ‘go the extra mile…to make the extra difference’.
Helping children to enjoy achieving in an exciting environment.
Promoting children’s confidence, independence and aspirations.
Exploring our community and the wider world through visits and residentials.
Encouraging children to be caring and to take responsibility for making the appropriate choices.
Nurturing children’s knowledge and respect for their own and other peoples’ beliefs and cultures.
Working together as a whole school with the support of our parents and the wider community.
Making school a happy, healthy and safe place to be.