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We believe that all children are naturally curious and at Bowling Park Primary School we will guide this curiosity to allow our children to explore and experience our world through an exciting and engaging science curriculum.

In their science lessons, children will have the opportunity to ask questions, observe and draw conclusions. For all learners, we will focus on building strong, scientific vocabulary to enable children to articulate their thoughts about scientific concepts. We develop oracy skills to help children to gain the confidence to work together with others to plan investigations, predict results and evaluate methods.

Science is not a standalone subject, and cross-curricular links can be made with other subject areas. We encourage children to apply mathematical skills as we measure, record and interpret our results. We also develop our children’s understanding of history as we look at how human knowledge has grown over time and the contribution of the scientific community to the body of knowledge that humans now hold. We want our children to have the opportunity to understand the impact and significance of science on society in the past, present and future. We will ensure that science lessons in our school are relevant, linked to real world concepts and will help children develop their understanding of what a scientist is.

Investing in young children’s understanding of the world around them will raise awareness of sustainability and environmental issues to ensure a brighter future for our Earth and its natural resources. Children will be equipped for their future with an appreciation of how the study of science can contribute to our ability to solve arising global challenges. Our science curriculum supports the school’s aspirations to prepare children for the world of work, improve their life opportunities and to ensure they are prepared to contribute to life in modern Britain.