Online Safety
At Bowling Park, our aim is to help children be safe, confident and knowledgeable about the internet. We want children to enjoy using technology and to be able to use it to support their learning in a safe and appropriate way, both in school and at home.
How we do it
Children have access to notebooks, iPads, an interactive white board and other technology in their classrooms. These items support children’s learning. Our dedicated IT Team ensure that the technology is up-to-date, purposeful, safe and enjoyable.
To keep our children and staff safe while using these technologies, we work hard to make sure our systems are secure and that children are supported to understand any risks. We hold regular e-safety assemblies, where we explore topics such as cyberbullying and staying safe online. Our local PCSO also works closely with children regarding online safety matters.
Our computer systems have appropriate and strict filters which protect children from potentially harmful content. In addition, our monitoring system tracks all the technology in school to make sure children and staff are using the internet appropriately. All the monitoring information is checked by a member of the Leadership Team.
Issues are very rare, but if they do occur, we deal with them swiftly and appropriately.
What we teach in school
At Bowling Park, we teach all our children how to stay safe on the internet. Our curriculum covers all aspects of staying safe online, the reliability of information we find online and copyright.
An overview of the lessons covered can be found here:
Our BP SMART Rules
What we achieve
Children feel confident using the internet in school and at home. Through discussion with them, we are confident they know how to stay safe online and who to talk to if they see something upsetting. Staff understand the importance of safe and appropriate use of technology and model this with children throughout school.
Keeping Children Safe Online
The internet is a fantastic resource which allows children connect, communicate and be creative in many different ways. However, the internet is always changing, and being able to keep up to date with your children’s use of technology can be a challenge. Many parents feel that their child has better technical skills than they do. Children still need advice and protection when it comes to managing their lives online.
How to set parental controls on your PC at home:
How to set Parental controls on APPS on an Apple Device:
How to set Parental controls on APPS on an Android Device:
Further guides on setting parental controls:
Parental controls & privacy settings guides | Internet Matters
5 tips for keeping your child safe online
Want more information?
If you are concerned about your child on the internet or would like more information, please come and talk to us.
These are websites with more information, which may be of interest:
Keeping children safe online | NSPCC
Internet safety advice and information | Internet Matters
Parental controls offered by your home internet provider - UK Safer Internet Centre
Keeping children safe online | NSPCC
Have a conversation with you child about e-safety- UK Safer Internet Centre
Grandparent's Guide to keeping children safe online
The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre work to protect children online. They have a reporting button for children and parents to use if necessary. It is important that we all know how to report something online; our KS2 children have been made aware of this button. Click on the link below to learn more about CEOP and find out how to report someone online.
Parents and carers | CEOP Education
- Children need to be aware of the impact that their online activity can have on both themselves and other people, and the digital footprint that they create on the internet. It’s easy to feel anonymous online and it’s important that children are aware of who is able to view, and potentially share, the information that they may have posted. When using the internet, it’s important to keep personal information safe and not share it with strangers. Encourage your child to be respectful and responsible when communicating with others online, and to consider how what they share may reflect on them.
- Some online content is not suitable for children and may be hurtful or harmful. This is true for content accessed and viewed via social networks, online games, blogs and websites.
- It’s important for children to consider the reliability of online material and be aware that it might not be true or written with a bias.
- Children may need your help as they begin to assess content in this way. There can be legal consequences for using or downloading copyrighted content, without seeking the author’s permission.
- It is important for children to realise that new friends made online may not be who they say they are and that once a friend is added to an online account, you may be sharing your personal information with them.
- Regularly reviewing friends lists and removing unwanted contacts is a useful step. Privacy settings online may also allow you to customise the information that each friend is able to access.
- If you have concerns that your child is, or has been, the subject of inappropriate sexual contact or approach by another person, it’s vital that you report it to the police via the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre ( This can be done through the link above.
- If your child is bullied online, this can also be reported online and offline. Reinforce with your child the importance of telling a trusted adult straight away if someone is bullying them or making them feel uncomfortable, or if one of their friends is being bullied online.
- Young people’s privacy and enjoyment online can sometimes be affected by advertising and marketing schemes, which can also mean inadvertently spending money online, for example within apps.
- Encourage your child to keep their personal information private, learn how to block both pop ups and spam emails, turn off in-app purchasing on devices where possible, and use a family email address when filling in online forms.
- Make your child aware of scams that may seek to gain access to their accounts, and advise them to be wary in following links or opening attachments in emails that appear to be from organisations such as banks and service providers.
If you see something on the internet that upsets you, or if you are worried about something online you should tell an adult straight away.