Contact Us
Bowling Park Primary School is a split-site, three-form-entry school
Headteacher: Mrs Salma Rahman
SENDCo: Mrs McLindon
New Cross Street Site
Address: Bowling Park Primary School, New Cross St., West Bowling, Bradford, BD5 8BT
Tel: 01274 770270
Report an absence: 01274 777360
Point of contact for parents: Ms Lees
Usher Street Site
Address: Bowling Park Primary School, Usher St., East Bowling, Bradford, BD4 7DS
Tel: 01274 723255
Report an absence: 01274 724581
Point of contact for parents: Mrs Woodhead
How we will contact parents
Key updates will be sent to parents by email, so please make sure the office has your most up-to-date email address.
You can access information about your child via our new app - Arbor. Arbor can be downloaded for free from the App Store or Google Play. More information can also be found here: Arbor App.